When: 12:30 pm-1:30 pm EDT on Wednesday 30 September | Where: Online, RSVP here| | Languages: English

COVID-19 and Black Lives Matters are bringing about major changes in our society.  But how can non-profits learn, adapt, and better serve their missions and purpose going forward– with the lessons that the times are teaching us?

In this webinar, Butterflies and Challenging Heights, two member organizations of Family for Every Child Alliance, shared how they have created collaborative practices to support, empower, and enhance children and their families in the midst of the pandemic and are forging a path beyond.  

At Family Alliance, we believe it’s about shifting power and deeper change. And we’d love to tell you how we’re doing it and open a dialogue with you as we all go forward.

Watch this webinar to hear how our #ShiftThePower model is putting frontline Changemakers in the driver's seat as we navigate the way towards a new and more equitable normal.