101 children from 15 countries have contributed visual art and written work to Family for Every Child’s ‘Life During COVID-19’ exhibition, shedding light on emotional impacts and other challenges caused by the pandemic.

The gallery is now online, and can be enjoyed by young people, children and adults alike. 

The project is an innovative way to highlight the different ways in which children around the world have experienced the pandemic.

Some artworks highlighted how children felt protected by their family.

Anonymous, Russia, aged 10

Others talked about their positive experiences from temporary shelter homes, where they were being looked after by teachers and other professionals.

Nikini, Sri Lanka, aged 18

Anne-Marie Barry, from Family for Every Child, said:

“Because we’re a global network, we’ve been able to amplify the voices of children from different contexts around the world. While some of the pieces talk about difficulties and negative emotions, there are others that really highlight children and young people’s resilience and hopes for the future, too.”

Visit the ‘Life During Covid-19’ exhibition at gallery.familyforeverychild.org.