After signing, your organisation will be able to access tailored support and guidance from Family for Every Child; as well as being able to publicly display your commitment to tackling sexual violence affecting boys by using our campaign materials and badge. Between your commitment, and our support to make it happen, we can create a system that’s better equipped to help boys – creating a brighter future for everyone.

The Charter calls for six evidence-based principles to better support boys. These are:

Awareness & training

Raising awareness of sexual violence affecting boys amongst professionals who work with children, and committing to develop an organisational strategy for proactively building staff’s knowledge and skills so they feel informed and equipped to best support them.

Gender-inclusive services

Ensuring that all services that can support boys are designed and managed in ways that make them feel included, accepted and welcome; by taking the time to actively understand and take into account their needs and wishes.

Sex education

Providing easily accessible, appropriate and high quality information to help educate children and families on sex, sexual health, sexuality and internet safety; and ensuring that this includes information relating to sexual violence affecting boys.

The legal system

Advocating for changes in the law that could ensure that boys affected by sexual violence are better protected and supported, and that victims are not criminalised.

Social norms around gender

Changing the conversation around our culturally-embedded harmful social norms around gender.

Media narratives

Challenging damaging narratives around sexual violence affecting boys, including in the media; and offering support on how to better frame the issue.